Wedding Factory as an exclusive wedding agency

Many of you probably know us primarily from instagram or social media as a wedding agency. Since our site is in Czech Republic (we are based in Prague), we would like to introduce ourselves to you, our foreign wedding enthusiasts! We will show you what our wedding planning services include, who can turn to us and what we will be delighted to help you with. 😉 So let’s go, this is us…

Wedding Agency Prague

Who is Wedding Factory? An exclusive wedding agency!

We jumped into the wedding world like wedding planners in 2016. Since then, we have experienced a lot, messed up a lot, learned a lot and accomplished a lot.🤩 We have really grown over the years and we are really proud of our current position. So it is with hand on our hearts that we consider Wedding Factory to be an exclusive wedding agency based in Prague with more than 160 weddings to our credit. Half of our weddings are usually in or nearby Prague, but the other half of our weddings are hosted all over the Czech Republic.

Who are our couples?

We are a group of heartthrobs who just don’t hold back and when it comes to decorating, we go as fast as a train in Qingdao. And that is why our couples are people who aren’t afraid of it. 😁 They aren´t afraid to be different, they are extravagant, but also elegant and dynamic. They trust us and conjure up unforgettable moments with us. 

Of course these moments are created mainly thanks to you, our beloved fiancés, so without you we wouldn’t be where we currently are. 

Are you not afraid of colours? Do you like specific themes or gendres and would you like to match exactly that to your Big day? Don’t hold back. Go for your dream! Well and if you don’t know where to start, we’re here for you, your wedding planners from Wedding Factory.

Be part of our wedding community!

As we wrote above, we are not just an exclusive wedding agency. We are your best friends, mentors and helpers. You can also read more about it on our website in the about us section. If you want a fairytale wedding or a themed wedding and you are not afraid to experiment, we are here for you. Likewise in assisting you in your business or in setting you in the right direction to achieve your dreams.

Wedding Agency Prague

Who is part of our wedding agency?

In this moment, in 2023, we already have a giant team of wedding lovers. Planners, who not only help us in the office, but also those, who are involved in the wedding day, both in decoration and also coordination. Without them, our weddings would take 2 years to plan on today’s scale. 😁 With them we can manage one wedding from A to Z in 5 weeks. And that is our personal record. They make our work go so smoothly and we are very grateful for that. 

In addition to our office team, we have people on set. Decorators and drivers who make sure the logistics of the wedding are flawless. Not only creating the most beautiful Pinterest-like wedding, but also making sure everything is done in a professional way and never leaving any traces of clutter behind.

Wedding Agency Prague

It all started with organizing, decorating and coordinating weddings. Gradually, we stared doing consultations for fiancés. We take under our wing those, who are in need of helful tips and a little push with their wedding planning. 

Since we wanted to take our wedding planning know-how a little further, we thought we could share it with other entrepreneurs. That was the moment, when we became mentors and helped other companies get to where they wanted to be. We mentor anyone from wedding venues, florists to photographs, but also other wedding planners and agencies ❤️

Wedding Factory is not only a luxury wedding agency, we are a community of people who share the same passion for weddings. So if you need help with your wedding or help with your business, we are here for you in every way.

Whatever the occasion, we look forward to meeting you!!!

With love, your wedding planners

Marti, Luci and whole WF team. ❤️

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