

Let us know about you. We are looking forward to seeing you!

Let's meet together

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When you tell us what you want, we can take it from there. It's not just talks when we say every wedding is different and every couple has different requirements. Some weddings take 20 hours, some 70. Let's meet and find out what works best for you. After the meeting we give you an exact quote for our services. :) The price of decorations and individual suppliers depends on your ideas and is subject to availability.

Of course. Let us take care of your wedding preparations, but always bear in mind that you are the one who must approve everything :)

We have a family of proven professionals around us whose quality of service we can guarantee and recommend to you. However, if you already have a photographer, for example, we will review them with you and draw attention to their pros and cons. However, we won’t exclude anyone. The only supplier we really insist on is the florist who we always work with to decorate the wedding venue and whose work we can vouch for.

Yes we do! (More Info) And even in two ways:

  • We do wedding one-time CONSULTATIONS for engaged couples who plan & arrange their wedding themselves and they’re stuck or need any help or advice...
  • and MENTORING - for start-ups or any established wedding suppliers. We can help with specific issues or business strategies.

Ano, jde! Výzdobu děláme po celý rok. Jednoduše vyplňte náš kontaktní formulář, kde máte vypsané vše potřebné, co bychom o Vás rády zjistily. No a my se Vám už jen rády a v co nejbližší době ozveme. 😊

Unfortunately, just co-ordinating the wedding itself is not possible. An integral part of the wedding is planning and organisation, putting together a “wedding team” and creating schedule so that the day goes by without any hitches.

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